Commercial Landscaping Blog, San Jose | Bay Area | Santa Clara, CA

Simple Tips to Safeguard Commercial Landscaping from Animal Damage

Written by Sabrina Ayala | May 7, 2024 11:30:00 AM

When planning for the challenges that come with a commercial landscaping service in the bay area, you might well have thought about the importance of effectively managing foot traffic, but have you considered the threat of animal damage to your luxury landscape design? From decimated foliage to the hazards of droppings on your hardscaping, co-existing with the natural world can sometimes pose problems.

In recent years, negative landscaping impacts caused by our furry and feathered friends has been enough of an issue in the Bay Area to hit the headlines, so it is certainly something worth planning and preparing for. The reality is that green spaces and animals don't always get along, but there are plenty of great tactics that we can apply to minimize the risks and impact of neighborhood visits from other species.

Whether you are weighing your budget for large property landscaping services in San Jose CA or are already on the hunt for urgent pest control services, the expert landscape maintenance providers here at FloraTerra are ready to lend a hand. But first, let's explore some of the most common animal damage challenges that our clients face and how we help them conquer these clashes with otherwise welcome animals.

Reducing the Risk of Deer Damage

When your beautiful borders appear to be serving as an early-morning breakfast buffet, the chances are you are being visited by deer. This is a common issue in the winter months or even in drought when wild foliage is less abundant. Your HOA landscaping can become the most appealing meal around.

We find that hungry deer can be particularly persistent despite deterrents such as netting, which is why we encourage property owners, whether overseeing HOA Landscape Design or Corporate Campus Landscape Maintenance, to incorporate deer-resistant plant species into their green areas, making garden areas less appealing.

Certain aromatic plants such as rosemary and salvia tend to elicit distaste among deer, while robust native shrubs like Artemisia californica and Baccharis pilularis are simultaneously optimally suited to our drought-inclined climate and a turn-off for deer seeking tempting dining options. Meanwhile, your commercial landscape designer can also make structural changes to your landscaping layout to mitigate trampling as part of an effective Landscape maintenance solutions plan.

Dog Owner-Friendly Landscape Design

It is such a common area landscape design misstep among multi-residential and retail properties to overlook the need to design for dog owners. These days, our four-pawed pals are everywhere and their presence needs to be planned for in regard to hygiene, plant health care, and commercial lawn maintenance.

Not only will dogs accompanying pedestrians through your commercial landscaping need to take potty breaks along the way, but they can also cause urine burns on foliage and tearing to turf. To minimize the risks of these impacts, you can install canine-friendly stations with dog bags and trash cans, incorporate traffic control landscape design strategies to steer where dog walkers wander, display “Keep dogs on leash” signs, and even allocate a fenced dog exercise area in the need arises.

Deterring Geese from Waterways, Lagoons & Ponds

Another incredibly common foe of our HOA landscape maintenance service clients is geese. Once your elegant landscaping becomes a popular landing zone, droppings can become an odorous health and slip hazard, turf and foliage can be damaged, and nesting birds can even become so aggressive that your human visitors start to steer clear.

To tackle these issues, we at FloraTerra find that a combination of unobtrusive light-based landing deterrents and erecting subtle, specially designed temporary goose fencing as required usually works wonders.

Meeting These Animal Damage Mitigation Needs and More

Like so many of our clients—alongside their retail customers, corporate employees, and HOA residents—we are advocates of resolving a spectrum of landscape design challenges both sustainably and humanely. As you explore potential landscape enhancement and improvements, why not partner with a commercial landscape company that can guide you toward cost-effective and nature-supporting solutions?

From eco-friendly organic pellets to vibrational devices for rodent control, we will gladly advise—and ultimately, if any further unexpected issues arise, we'll work with you to find a successful fix. So, reach out to our team today by calling our office at 408.275.1200, or click here to schedule a free consultation, and make animal damage to your landscape design a problem of the past!

Get in Touch Today, Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below!



FloraTerra and our affiliates are conveniently based throughout the greater bay area. As a leading commercial landscape company, we specialize in homeowners associations, condominiums, corporate campus developments, commercial office, retail centers and common interest developments.

Since 1998, our company and partners have installed and maintain some of the most prestigious commercial developments throughout the Silicon Valley.


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