Commercial Landscaping Blog, San Jose | Bay Area | Santa Clara, CA

Make These 3 Steps Count: The Best Solutions for Foot Traffic

Written by Sabrina Ayala | Jul 9, 2024 11:30:00 AM

If you have high-traffic areas on your property and they are having a detrimental impact on your commercial landscaping, then you've come to the right place. Here at FloraTerra, we are often called upon to tackle this common Bay Area issue, and recent statistics indicate that won't change any time soon. Research tells us that foot traffic is on the rise across California—not only for our grocery retailers, but for many more commercial locations too.

Indeed, for shopping malls, corporate campuses, HOA locations, and more, foot traffic damage can be a bitter-sweet indicator of success. However, given that most businesses welcome the reality that landscaping services increase traffic, it is important to find accessible solutions to any resulting challenges—and that's exactly where FloraTerra's expertise in landscape design comes in.

It is often tempting to try to control foot traffic in an unrealistic way when planning commercial landscape design, but in reality, introducing elements and design solutions that allow visitors to move organically from one place to the next not only reduces landscape maintenance but improves their experience too. With that in mind, here are some simple suggestions for high-traffic commercial landscaping that will soon take away any bitter aftertaste from the sweet flow of footfall.

Enforce Routes With Spectacular Landscape Enhancements

We've all seen the damage of a popular “cut-through” in one place or another. When delineated paths aren't the quickest and easiest route, a nearby lawn or landscaped area will often pay the price. However, for property owners, this headache isn't only aesthetic—it's also one of safety as the visitors they safeguard choose to go off-piste.

Among our commercial landscape services for greening high foot traffic areas, we find that sometimes the best salve is the most straightforward. This could come in the form of planting a stunning hedge or row of shrubs that block the sight-line of a cut-through. In our work as a retail mall landscaping company in San Jose Ca, we've often found that pedestrians are more eager to respect thriving, well-tended plants, and will willingly walk around them when the obvious option of a shortcut is removed.

Letting Visitor Behavior Guide Landscape Design

Taking another direction entirely—with pun intended—we can also explore the option of allowing signs of foot traffic to inform evolving garden design. As we mentioned, practical design is central to the safety protocols of an HOA landscaping company, and in some instances, giving in to the preferences of visitors is an ideal solution.

Facilitating a shortcut through landscaping might mean installing bright new hardscaping, but it certainly doesn't have to. Alternative and cost-effective options could include introducing whimsical paving stones or an eco-friendly decomposed granite path with ornamental grass sidings.

When it comes to making a popular shortcut both attractive and robust, the options are almost endless. From providing seating in just the right spot to adding fragrant or floral borders, crowd control doesn't need to feel rigid or limiting. Plus, taking these kinds of approaches will also mitigate the danger of how slippery grass and planted borders can become during wet or colder weather.

Illuminate to Eliminate the Risk of Nighttime Shortcuts

In our work to provide Bay Area landscaping solutions for high foot traffic areas, we see the value of considering how pedestrian routes are used at all points of the day and night. After all, making your landscaping more inviting to visitors may be just the ticket to extend foot-traffic late into the evening, providing a boost to business or productivity.

Steering footfall after nightfall means not only making landscaping adjustments to realize safe and accessible routes, but also improving visibility where necessary. The great news from this campus landscaping service provider in Santa Clara County is that thoughtfully placed lighting within landscaped areas can create stunning visual displays that boost any commercial property's appeal. Simultaneously, some illumination will reduce the risk of nighttime falls as well as that of damage to plants caused by poor visibility.

Work with a Commercial Landscape Company That Understands Foot Traffic

When it comes to commercial landscape design and maintenance, you need an ally who understands how to make your property not only beautiful but also highly functional in support of your financial interests. Over time, the balance of safety, accessibility, and aesthetics should only grow, and the right commercial landscape company will be able to provide the creative solutions and specialized landscape enhancement services that can make the magic happen.

At FloraTerra Landscape Management, we're proud to be a corporate campus landscaping company in San Jose Ca that always goes above and beyond. If you'd like to tap our extensive experience working with many commercial properties that have high-volume foot traffic areas, we're ready to help you ensure that your visitors or residents are delighted.

For Total Foot-Traffic Peace of Mind, Call us at 408.275.1200 or Click Below.



FloraTerra and our affiliates are conveniently based throughout the greater bay area. As a leading commercial landscape company, we specialize in homeowners associations, condominiums, corporate campus developments, commercial office, retail centers and common interest properties.

Since 1998, our company and partners have installed and maintain some of the most prestigious commercial developments throughout the Silicon Valley.


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