There is a serious water shortage in many parts of California and proper lawn maintenance can have a big impact on local water supplies. In many drought stricken areas, lawns are being blamed for most of our water shortage. While this may be true, it does not mean we have to give up on lawn all together. A well-managed lawn area, made up of the appropriate grass types, soil composition, and chemistry can be functional, pleasing and water efficient.
Soil Essentials for Drought Stricken Areas
Proper soil care is a key function for any grass area, including lawns planted in drought areas. A proper amended soil gives the roots and opportunity to grow and mature. A well-developed root system is what the lawn or grass pulls its resources from for drought conditions. Soil compaction, thatch buildup, and soil health -ph. has the ability to help or hinder a lawn. Aeration and organic top dressing can help improve the soils ability to hold and retain water creating an ideal soil environment for a lawn to thrive and survive.
Organic Compounds
The soils organic composition will also determine its ability to hold water, nutrients and providing a balanced nutrition for the lawn or grass area. A soil that is high in sand content has less nutrient value and water retaining capability than a rich loam soil, as a result, turf is not as resilient and the root systems are at risk of desiccating a drought stricken lawn. Organic compost and humus can be added to the soils profile through vigilant topdressings or repeated lawn renovation, helping to retain essential nutrients and moisture.
Even a water loving grass like Perennial Blue Rye has been known to grow with half the amount of water, provided it has a healthy root development. With less water or not, the well-being of a plant is only as good as the composition of the soil. To be more exact on your soil type and composition, have it tested at a soil laboratory.
Advanced Water Management
One of the primary reasons lawns are blamed as the number one culprit in a drought is because of the ridiculous amounts of water that is wasted while attempting to keep it healthy and green. Proper water management can dramatically reduce the amount of water required to maintain a healthy lawn condition and will help battle drought conditions.
Traditional Watering Systems
Traditional sprinklers can be very inefficient if not managed or programmed according to site conditions such as slope terrain, sun exposure, type of soil, solar temperatures etc.. An automatic irrigation system can maximize the efficiency of watering by irrigating only the turf and not the pavement, walkways, or parking lots. Smart Controllers must be setup properly and then they will adjust automatically for site specific conditions i.e.; climate, plant type, soil type, allowing for less watering time and less runoff.
It recommended to have and older irrigation systems assessed by a professional irrigation auditor. They will ensure devices like smart controllers are in place and check for leaks, broken valves and other inefficiencies.
When irrigating a lawn area, it is best to water infrequently and deeply to emulate natural rainfall. This will also extend the root system deeper, encouraging the roots to search for water reserves.
Drought Tolerant Grasses
Drought resistant type grasses are blends that require less water than traditional grass types and are capable of using much less water and maintenance compared to traditional lawns. 99.9% of the time, drought tolerant grasses has been developed through cross breeding resulting in new hybridized varieties. Drought resistant types including native mow free bent grass, buffalo grass, hybridized fescue, and California Native perennial types. In addition, there are improved varieties of fescue and perennial blue rye. A balanced soil composition plays a key role in helping grass to survive a drought. Have your soil checked and tested prior to starting your project.
The Roots Go Deep
Historically in the heat of the summer, lawns must have at least one inch of water per week, applied in multiple cycle start times. Drought resistant grasses receive as little ¼”-1/2” 3/4" per week. These examples are taking in consideration exceptional growing environments, although with the right soil conditions a drought tolerant lawn can go extended amounts of time with limited watering, will undoubtedly be able to withstand the drought. In tough drought conditions, where no supplemental irrigation is around, many native grasses "brown out" and go dormant in a effort to survive. With adequate rainfall, the dormant grass will respond and come back in time.
Rocking It Like a Rock Star!
In some cases including retail mall landscaping, it would be wise to avoid planting grasses or traditional lawns, especially in a popular drought area. There are many selections of plants and ground cover that are attractive, interesting and colorful. Landscaping can be grass free requiring minimal maintenance and irrigation once established.
Cultural Techniques
A lawn going through a drought is stressed in a residential apartment community. A drought stricken lawn is better left alone than doing anything. If it’s a mow type grass, mow as little as necessary. It is best to set the mower deck to its highest setting in order not to push additional stress. The taller leaf blade tissue helps in storing moisture and photosynthesis. Please refrain from dethatching over seeding or fertilizing, avoid disturbing its root system if at all possible. Keep foot traffic and equipment off of the lawn to avoid further stress and decline.
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