Commercial Landscaping Blog for The San Jose | Bay Area, CA

How to Budget for Replacing Trees & Plants at the End of Their Lifecycle

Posted by Sabrina Ayala on Sep 3, 2024 4:15:00 AM

Have you ever spoken to your commercial landscape maintenance company about the natural lifecycles of your plants? If not, then it's something to pay attention to—because they should be guiding you on how to budget for future tree and plant replacements so that you never get left out of pocket.

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Topics: Bay Area Commercial Landscaping Company, Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Businesses, Commercial Landscapers in Santa Clara, Commercial Landscape Designers in Santa Clara

Enjoy Amazing Communication with Your Commercial Landscape Contractor

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Aug 6, 2024 4:15:00 AM

For so many of the relationships in our lives, we rely on grand gestures made on birthdays and holidays to show how much we value personal connection. These occasions are great for taking inventory of the important things in our lives. However, the relationships that really fuel our goals and dreams require more constant attention—even those formed with a trusted commercial landscape contractor!

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Topics: Bay Area Commercial Landscaping Company, Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Businesses, Commercial Landscapers in Santa Clara, Commercial Landscape Designers in Santa Clara

Make These 3 Steps Count: The Best Solutions for Foot Traffic

Posted by Sabrina Ayala on Jul 9, 2024 4:30:00 AM

If you have high-traffic areas on your property and they are having a detrimental impact on your commercial landscaping, then you've come to the right place. Here at FloraTerra, we are often called upon to tackle this common Bay Area issue, and recent statistics indicate that won't change any time soon. Research tells us that foot traffic is on the rise across California—not only for our grocery retailers, but for many more commercial locations too.

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Topics: Bay Area Commercial Landscaping Company, Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Businesses, Commercial Landscapers in Santa Clara, Commercial Landscape Designers in Santa Clara

Commercial Landscaping Tips for Boosting Brand Perception

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Jun 4, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Have you ever considered the impact of commercial landscaping on how well your business resonates with its audience? There is no denying that the landscaping framing any residential, commercial, or corporate property is often the primary touch-point for the brand within those leafy folds.

Vitally, as Forbes highlights, a company is only as good as their customers perceive them to be. The great news is that leveraging this incredible plant-based potential is easy with help from the right commercial landscape contractor.

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Topics: Bay Area Commercial Landscaping Company, Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Businesses, Commercial Landscapers in Santa Clara, Commercial Landscape Designers in Santa Clara



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