Commercial Landscaping Blog for The San Jose | Bay Area, CA

Elizabeth Mendoza

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Commercial Landscaping Tips for Boosting Brand Perception

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Jun 4, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Have you ever considered the impact of commercial landscaping on how well your business resonates with its audience? There is no denying that the landscaping framing any residential, commercial, or corporate property is often the primary touch-point for the brand within those leafy folds.

Vitally, as Forbes highlights, a company is only as good as their customers perceive them to be. The great news is that leveraging this incredible plant-based potential is easy with help from the right commercial landscape contractor.

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Topics: Bay Area Commercial Landscaping Company, Commercial Landscape Maintenance for Businesses, Commercial Landscapers in Santa Clara, Commercial Landscape Designers in Santa Clara

Ask These 5 Key Questions Before Hiring Your Next HOA Landscaper

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Mar 5, 2024 4:15:00 AM

As a long-standing Homeowner Association landscape company in San Jose, Ca, we put a great deal of effort into sharing what to look for when hiring an HOA landscape company, because we prefer helping our community thrive than serving as the cavalry when landscape projects have gone horribly wrong. On that basis, today we're going to guide you through what you need to know in order to select a San Jose HOA Landscaping Service that you can trust. Read on to learn more.

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Topics: Homeowners Association Landscape Services, HOA Landscape Contractors, HOA Landscape Companies in the Bay Area CA, HOA lawn maintenance service, HOA landscape maintenance companies

Choosing the Right Mulch to Transform Your Commercial Landscaping

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Dec 5, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Have you been missing out on one of the best-kept secrets in modern commercial landscape design? Demand for packaged mulch and other ground coverings used in lawn and garden applications is projected to rise 3.0% over the coming year to $760 million in 2024. This trend reflects the unbeatable value that mulching can provide, both in terms of reducing water usage and minimizing maintenance costs.

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer

5 Tips Ensuring Traffic Remains Positive for Your Commercial Landscape

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Sep 5, 2023 5:45:00 AM

Just as businesses across the Bay Area begin to enjoy recovery from the loss of crucial foot traffic caused by the pandemic, many are also being reminded of the challenges that come when pedestrians cut through landscaping in unhelpful ways.

When a clipped lawn area or gap between bushes becomes a frequent thoroughfare, the overall aesthetic of commercial landscaping can quickly take a knock. However, a trusted landscape design company is the perfect ally in remedying this situation. Read on for some top FloraTerra tips on mitigating the negative impacts of foot traffic so that it can return to being a welcome metric for your enterprise.

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer

Harness These Amazing Tips to Make Your Commercial Landscaping More Water Efficient

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Aug 1, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Following the record-breaking water price rises across California last year, will your commercial landscaping be ready to take the hit when the next drought season arrives?

Here at FloraTerra, we make a point of helping all of our HOA, retail, and campus clients to shrink the water consumption of their commercial landscaping so that they can keep their costs to a minimum. It's incredible how much of a difference a few simple strategies can make and we love knowing that we're making an eco-friendly contribution while helping customer-facing businesses, corporate locations, residential properties, and many more to balance their budgets more effectively.

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer

How Often Should I Bid Out Our Commercial Landscaping Contract?

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on May 2, 2023 6:00:00 AM

The effective care of any amazing commercial landscape requires a switched-on and green-fingered team working within clear parameters. If this is to be cost-effective, the contract you share with a trusted and affordable commercial landscaping company should be competitive, comprehensive, and thoughtfully tailored. So, seeking a range of proposals and asking the right questions before signing on the dotted line can help you yield the best results.

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Topics: Landscape Planning, Landscape Water Management, Sustainable Landscaping, commercial landscape design, commercial landscape company in San Jose Ca, commercial landscape designers in San Jose, commercial landscape design group, commercial landscape planning, landscape designers for retail shopping centers

Important Elements of a Commercial Landscape Design

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Mar 7, 2023 6:00:00 AM

Whether your renovating multi-building offices, learning institutions, college campus, stylish condominiums, or the ultimate retail center, the right commercial landscape design can really make all the difference. But, without a doubt, a commercial landscape designer needs to ensure that green outdoor spaces deliver more value than aesthetics, alone.

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Topics: commercial landscape design, Condo Landscape Design, commercial landscape designers in San Jose, landscape designers for retail shopping centers, water management for commercial properties, bay area commercial landscape designers, condominium and hoa landscape designer

Commercial Landscaping Company: Getting the Most from Your Walk-Through

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Feb 7, 2023 6:00:00 AM

As much as we embrace modern technology when communicating with our commercial landscaping clients, we also know that there is much value to be found in verbal communication from time to time.

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer

HOA Landscape Contractors: The Art of Water Conservation

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Dec 20, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Anyone who oversees attractive HOA landscaping positioned under the harsh Bay Area sun knows that not enough water is a crisis in the making. But too much water means a creeping budgetary drain, which is unwelcome in an era that sees water rates rise with every drought season. The ultimate goal is of course a Goldilocks-esque level of irrigation precision. But how can such a feat be achieved?

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer

HOA Landscape Designer Adds Pizzazz With a Splash of Color

Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Dec 6, 2022 6:00:00 AM

Everyone loves a splash of color. Whether seen framing your property's elegant entrance, decorating its most enchanting outdoor areas, or boosting its curb appeal, a vibrant display of flowers always works wonders for grabbing attention and enhancing everyone's sense of well-being.

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Topics: HOA Landscape Designers, commercial landscape designers, commercial landscape design group, commercial irrigation and landscape design, homeowners association landscape designer, condominium landscape designer in redwood city ca, common grounds hoa landscape designer



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