Trees have a life span, some living longer than others. That might somewhat irrational, but dead trees on commercial properties are more common than one might think. Weekly landscape crews may not see or address these problems in their weekly site visits for a variety of reasons. The real question is: How can you tell if a tree is declining on your commercial property?
5 Things About Commercial Tree Care You'll Kick Yourself for
Posted by Sabrina Ayala on Jan 23, 2015 8:30:00 AM
Topics: Landscape Maintenance, Tree Care, irrigation management
10 Creative Ways to Green Your Commercial Landscaping Service
Posted by Elizabeth Mendoza on Jan 7, 2015 7:42:00 AM
FloraTerra implements strategies to help our clients green their properties, yielding improved public perception, increased profits, and greener landscaping.
Sustainable landscape management encourages the systems created by nature: healthy soils supporting healthy plants. The foundation of "sustainable green landscaping" requires the plants and soils to be viewed as extensions of one another, existing in a perfect symbiotic relationship. This holistic, "bottom up" focus contrasts with the conventional maintenance mindset of treating specific plant health conditions from the "top down" through the application of synthetic chemicals and materials.
Understanding all environmental conditions within a landscape, including public use patterns as well aesthetic expectations is vital to creating a successful maintenance program. Our programs are continuously adjusted to meet the needs of our client’s properties.
Topics: Landscape Planning, Landscape Maintenance, Tree Care, Sustainable Landscaping, Water Management, irrigation management
Bay Area Rock Stars Break Common Ground
Posted by Gene Ebertowski, President on Oct 31, 2014 7:30:00 AM
There is a serious water shortage in many parts of California and Bay Area Rockstars are breaking common ground having a big impact on local water supplies. In many drought stricken areas, lawns are being blamed for most of our water shortage.
Topics: Landscape Maintenance, Sustainable Landscaping, Water Management, irrigation management
Dry soil conditions can significantly reduce the life span of your valuable landscape trees. Because they are difficult and expensive to replace, your trees need attention during and after periods of drought.
Topics: Landscape Planning, Sustainable Landscaping, Water Management, irrigation management
There is a serious water shortage in many parts of California and proper lawn maintenance can have a big impact on local water supplies. In many drought stricken areas, lawns are being blamed for most of our water shortage. While this may be true, it does not mean we have to give up on lawn all together. A well-managed lawn area, made up of the appropriate grass types, soil composition, and chemistry can be functional, pleasing and water efficient.
Topics: Landscape Planning, Sustainable Landscaping, Water Management, irrigation management
The Key Advantages of Modern Irrigation Water Management
Posted by Sabrina Ayala on Aug 8, 2014 5:30:00 AM
Modern Watering Systems Can Save Big Money
These days, water conservation is a big deal for many Silicon Valley property owners and managers – particularly in many cities in the Bay Area where water restrictions and the cost of water will continue to escalate.
Topics: Water Management, irrigation management